Meet our Lifestyle Assistant
On this special occasion of Aged Care Employee Day, we celebrate Australia’s residential, home and community aged care workers. This year’s theme #ThanksForCaring recognises everyone involved in caring for older Australians. This year, we asked our wonderful Lifestyle Assistant, Eric Katz, to share his aged care journey and what working at Cumberland view Aged Care means to him.

What made you want to pursue a career in aged care?
Helping other people. I feel that I am good at this kind of work. I work mainly in the high care terrace, and I enjoy giving the residents a full experience of daily activities and sharing in on the good times. I am musically inclined and enjoy playing my guitar and the piano for the residents, music is a universal joy, and the residents love to tap and sing along.
What do you like most about your role and working at the home?
Giving joy to people’s lives and seeing the residents smile. I like working with all the other people here at Cumberland View. Cooperation is most important in this work as well as empathy, and the staff here certainly display this. I really enjoy sharing my music with the residents. Each day is different and can change quickly so being adaptable is a must.
What is most challenging about working in aged care?
As I work in high care, the challenges are forever present. Sometimes when many things happen at once it’s difficult to prioritise. Some behaviours displayed can be challenging but we are all trained to deal with these, and distraction and music is certainly some of the tools and training that I use.
What is a special memory you have from working at the home?
Meeting someone who knew someone famous here in Australia. One resident knew Paddy Palin, (was the first person to provide functional, high-quality equipment for the outdoors in the 1930’s and his company continues to be the market leader today). Another resident told me about Sir John Monash who lived down the road – they knew each other. Yet another resident told me about how he was approached by the then Prime Minister of Canada. Also, seeing people being inspired by my music when I play either the guitar or piano.